The iPhone SE 2020 has finally been made available for purchase in India. The ‘affordable’ iPhone can be bought now through Flipkart at a starting price of Rs 42500. While that price applies to its 64GB model, the device’s 128GB and 256GB variants are going for Rs 47800 and Rs 58300, respectively. A host of offers have also been unveiled for the handset.
Those with HDFC Bank credit or debit cards will be granted an instant discount of Rs 3600 on their purchases of the iPhone SE 2020. This will bring the prices of the three models down to Rs 38900, Rs 44200 and Rs 54700. Additionally, no-cast EMIs are also available to those with HDFC cards.
The new iPhone SE 2020 has been positioned as a competitively affordable iPhone that doesn’t skimp on performance in any way. It has been equipped with the same A13 Bionic chipset that makes its way into the high-end iPhone 11 range. The body of the new device, however, is inspired by the iPhone 8 range, and it hence even features a fingerprint scanner on its front surface.
The iPhone SE 2020’s design is all-glass with a metal frame, and that allows it to offer wireless charging as well. A 12MP camera finds its way onto the rear surface of this handset, while its front camera is a 7MP unit that does not ship with any Face ID tech. This device has an iP67 rating, and as for its display, it’s a 4.7-inch Retina HD panel with a resolution of 1334 x 750 pixels.
Online deliveries have opened up in most parts of India, and it’s only the designated containment zones that are out of their ambit. You can head over to Flipkart now if you wish to buy the iPhone SE 2020.