The Mi 10 5G smartphone was launched in India a few days ago, without any details about when it will actually be available for purchase. However, 10 days later, the phone can be bought now by interested parties through Amazon, the Mi Store website or the company’s retail shops. It’s priced at Rs 49999, but customers paying with HDFC Bank cards can grab a Rs 3000 instant discount on it. Additionally, those who had pre-booked the phone will receive a 10000mAh Mi power bank for free with it.
The Mi 10 5G packs a serious punch with its specifications. It runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset that’s coupled with 8GB of RAM. 128GB and 256GB are the storage choices available, and the latter option will set you back by Rs 54999. A microSD card slot is not present on the handset though.
A 108MP camera sits on the back of the device, apart from a 13MP ultra wide-angle snapper and dual 2MP macro and depth cameras. The phone’s front surface is highlighted by a 6.67-inch Super AMOLED display bearing full HD+ resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate. The front camera onboard the Mi 10 5G is 20MP in resolution. And as for the battery, it’s a 4780mAh unit that supports 30W fast charging, wireless charging as well as reverse wireless charging.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the deliveries of the Mi 10 5G will be complicated to fulfill. It goes without saying that it won’t be available to purchase for those living in containment zones. Otherwise, those residing in red, orange and green zones can definitely order it.
Like we said, the Mi 105G is priced at Rs 49999 for its 128GB model and Rs 54999 for its 256GB variant.